Saturday, January 06, 2007

New Year, New Home, New Me

Phew, the holidays are finally over and its time for a new year. Due to all the expenses recently I haven't really worked on the condo much, but I will probably start putting to use some of the gift cards I received.

One big accomplishment in the last few weeks was finally hooking-up my DJ setup in our second room. In another life I was a dj, and I would spin records almost everyday. I was a turntable junkie obsessed with post-modern disco and deep house. Unfortunately over the years, my career, lack of space and lack of time have pulled me away from my passion. So after 3 years of having my equipment stored away in a closet, I finally have a place to set it all up and lose myself for a bit in my music collection. So now our second room is an office/dj studio/guest/storage room. Wow, hopefully I can narrow the rooms function a bit more over the next few months.

With 2007 here, I am trying to tranform the old RAR into a new lean mean fighting RAR...well no, I'm tripping, but at least get back into running shape. In yet another life, I use to be a long distance runner. But ever since I ran the San Diego marathon in 2002, the furthest I've run recently is from my living room to the bathroom after some bad Mexican food...and that was more like a sprint. So our complex has a small gym with tredmills and weight lifting machines, so I figure I should start using them. Not to mention, we have a local community college nearby with a nice track. Hmm, yup I can do it....and to get me started I even bought myself some new running shoes. Alright, now I'm convinced I am going to do it. Wish me luck.


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