The Parent's Approval
Believe it our not, next week will be 2 months living in our condo. Its amazing how time flys, however its only been a few weeks since our place was finally presentable. With less boxes to unpack now, I feel a lot better about showing our place to friends and family.
Anyways, one of the things that had been bugging me after getting our place, was that my parents had not seen the place or had they expressed any interest in seeing the place. What bugged me even more was that my wife's parents were so eager to come over and I was jealous at how excited they were about seeing the condo. Well, I figured since I was heading down to Anaheim (aka Anacrime) for Thanksgivng I thought I would invite them to come up that weekend. While their reception to my invitation was lukewarm, nevertheless they accepted.
Since my wife and I spent Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving with her family, we ended up spending all Sunday morning getting the Condo spiffied up. I had wanted to cook my famous salmon dish with orzo risrotto, a favorite of my parents, but I ran out of time. Well, 5:00PM hit and my parents arrived. My parents were accompanied with my grandma, my sister and my sister's fiance. Oh the stress, what will my parents think? Will they like it or hate it? For some reason I was desperate for my parents approval.
So upon arrival I began giving my grand tour of our humble little condo. They were really impressed with the color schemes, and how well they blended from room to room. They loved our dinning room area and kitchen. They liked our bedroom and bed frame. My dad loved the seperate his and her closet space, which is a luxury he does not have at home with my mom. All and all they were very happy for my wife and I and were proud of what we had accomplished with the place. Phew what a relief. Also, it turns out that their uneasiness about coming up to see our place stemmed more from their general phobia of Los Angeles than anything else...OC people, they might as well become their own state.
Since I didn't have time to cook, we ended up going to a local italian restaurant C&O Cucina in Marina del Rey...a favorite of my wife and I. We had a great time and really pigged out.
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